
Fasten, fit closely, bind together.

Friday, July 28, 2006

A Future That Might Actually Happen That Way 


As I said on Tuesday, progress can be frightening:

Planes, trains and automobiles.

Summertime and the living is easy.

Nothing weighing me down.

Architecture. Artifice. Impractical. Playful. Fancy.

Cast iron artwork in permanent ajar, foreign in its impracticality.

Hanging gardens and floating staircases.

Unique housing as an extension of your personality. Not just interior decorating but from the very foundations on up.

Things that don't have an obvious utility. Things that are less than practical but eye catching. Windows made of wood.

Dr. Seuss and Gaudi and some magic mushrooms.

Look at those trails.

Wasted space. Building out to sea rather than vertically.

Everything in its right place.

Child's play

None of that colonialist script. This is heart of darkness original Ethiopian graffiti.


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